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Develop and Support Faculty and Staff

McMaster’s Experiential Learning Strategic Framework (2024-2029) is a blueprint created for and by McMaster staff, students, and educators to advance accessible, inclusive and transformative learning experiences. This page outlines one of seven strategies within the framework and its expected outcomes.

Develop and Support Faculty and Staff

Expected Outcome:

Faculty and staff are supported in their delivery of quality EL via adequate resources (people, tools, technologies, etc.), subject-matter experts, and coordination of activities that advance EL at McMaster.  

Key Activities:

6.1 Establish policy and process to ensure faculty are compensated financially or in-kind (e.g., time) for contributions to EL through tenure and promotions, buy outs, funding, etc.  

6.2 Establish policy and processes to ensure retention and career growth for staff, recognizing the broad and flexible nature of roles/responsibilities in the EL space 

6.3 Establish policy and processes to ensure retention and career growth for sessional instructors and Contractually Limited Appointments (CLAs) recognizing the broad and flexible nature of roles/responsibilities in the EL space and the precariousness of sessional instructor and CLA roles. 

6.4 Establish faculty and staff professional development programming to foster skills, tools, and resources needed to conduct, support, and deliver quality transformative EL informed by best practices and (where appropriate) institutionally-approved guidelines. 

6.4.1 Develop and promote EL training, tools, and resources for faculty and instructors with an interest in integrating EL into their teaching. (e.g., sample course outlines, reflection strategies, honoraria guidelines, clear pathways to access risk management forms for off-site opportunities, etc.). 

6.4.2 Develop and promote EL tools and resources to support staff (e.g., a ‘yellow folder’ to clarify coordinated university processes for connecting with external partners).