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Evaluate, Celebrate and Share Our Learnings

McMaster’s Experiential Learning Strategic Framework (2024-2029) is a blueprint created for and by McMaster staff, students, and educators to advance accessible, inclusive and transformative learning experiences. This page outlines one of seven strategies within the framework and its expected outcomes.

Evaluate, Celebrate and Share Our Learnings

Expected Outcome:

A culture of experimentation, ongoing learning, and continuous improvement for EL that enables staff, faculty, and students to recognize, reflect, celebrate, and enable quality EL at McMaster and beyond. 

Key Activities:

4.1 Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the Experiential Learning Strategic Framework, with a focus on evaluating activities against the mission. 

4.1.1 Based upon budget and resources available, set annual priorities within this framework that respond to pressing needs and identify the most urgent activities to pursue each year. 

4.1.2 Provide an annual report of activities and outcomes to the Provost and Deans. 

4.2 Provide space for Faculties to share their monitoring and evaluating of different “depths” of experiential learning opportunities at McMaster to paint a campus-wide picture of EL outcomes in a manner that streamlines (as much as possible) tagging and government reporting processes, and centers McMaster-specific priorities that will endure beyond SMA3. 

4.2.1 Support course and program evaluation and improvement processes. 

4.2.2 Create spaces to share learning across Faculties. 

4.2.3 Work with Institutional Research & Analysis to present University-wide data annually. 

4.3 Celebrate and share EL achievements and learnings. 

4.3.1 Celebrate individual (student, staff, faculty), program and institutional EL achievements. 

4.3.2 Create intentional and routine spaces (retreats, showcases, etc.) to advance EL conversations, relationship building, and celebrations for faculty, staff, students, and external partners.  

4.4 Create a pedagogical research institute that fosters a culture of experimentation, ongoing learning, and continuous improvement to promote iteration and proactively share successes, failures, and lessons learned with local and global teaching communities.