Faculty Leadership & Development

Deputy Provost
Welcome to the Faculty Leadership and Development Resource Hub
My name is Matheus Grasselli, McMaster’s Deputy Provost.
Below you will find workshops, events and other opportunities for faculty members at each stage of their academic life. The Office of Faculty Leadership and Development is situated within the Office of the Provost and supports, collaborates and partners with a wide range of departments and areas across campus.
Thank you for investing in your professional development and for pursuing academic excellence.
Upcoming Events

2024-25 New Faculty Workshop Series
Faculty Events
Programs and Activities

New Faculty Orientation (Teaching & Learning) Learn more about this Teaching & Learning event
The New Faculty Orientation is offered each August by the MacPherson Institute and the Office of the Provost. The event includes a panel and roundtables, plus lunch and a resource fair. Hear about university goals from senior administration and teaching experiences from faculty and staff.

New Faculty Workshop Series Review upcoming workshops and register
A monthly workshop series, offered from September to April by the Office of the Provost. These workshops introduce McMaster’s management and support structures, featuring guest speakers from across campus who cover critical topics for career success. Open to all new faculty within the last two years.

Pan-University Workshop Series Visit our Faculty Events page to register
Offered by the Office of the Provost, workshops cover topics such as the fundamentals of the Career Progress/Merit (CP/M) scheme, guidance for filling out the Record of Activity form and an overview of the Tenure, Permanence and Promotion policy. Check out our Faculty Events page to register for these workshops and to see what other topics we have planned for the upcoming year.

Facilitated Peer Mentoring Program for New Chairs and Directors Email to register your interest in this program
This program offered by the Office of the Provost brings together new and established chairs and directors in a safe and supportive environment that allows participants to freely discuss emergent problems and challenges relevant to the role. Each faculty can nominate up to two new chairs/directors each year. Talk to your Dean if you are interested in participating.

Organizational Leaders Program - Coming January 2025 Learn more about our Organizational Leaders Program
This nine-month cohort-based leadership program co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Human Resources Services is offered to Assistant Deans, Associate Deans, Directors of Administrations, and administrative leaders of students, research or administrative service. Talk to your Dean or PVP member if you are interested in this nomination-based program.
MacPherson Institute Go To MacPherson
The Paul R. MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation & Excellence in Teaching provides development opportunities, individual consultations, events, and resources.
McMaster Okanagan Office of Health and Well-being Go To MOOHW
Connecting our community, students, faculty and staff to health and well-being resources, programs, research and educational opportunities.
Human Resources Services Go to HRS
McMaster believes in the ongoing cultivation of human potential, leveraging the diverse talents of its employees, and recognizes that everyone is a leader in their own role. Discover McMaster’s six core leadership capabilities — Explore leadership development and learning & development opportunities.
Human Resources Services and McMaster Continuing Education
Other Programs and Resources
School of Graduate Studies Faculty Resources Forms & Policies
Forms, policies, guidelines and other information for graduate students, staff and faculty. From getting the supervisory relationship off to a good start to supervision guidelines and toolkits.
Essentials Program Build Expertise
Develop leadership skills, expertise in communication, productivity, teamwork, and innovation through McMaster Continuing Education’s Essentials workshops. Add microcredentials to your digital CV or social media sites.
Executive Management Program Leadership Development
These open-enrolment programs are for emerging leaders, mid-level management and senior executives. Earn a Certificate of Completion in Leadership Development from the DeGroote School of Business.
Faculty Resources
We also suggest you check with your own Faculty to see what they offer – the Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science all offer mentorship and leadership programs for new faculty.
The Faculty of Health Sciences offer a range of leadership programs for Health Science faculty, with some being open to all faculty.
Developed by Faculty of Social Science with support from MacPherson Institute.
This mentorship program for new tenure-track and teaching-track faculty in the Faculty of Social Science supports and guides assistant professors to successful tenure and promotion and permanence, fosters collegiality and career development, and helps assistant professors navigate the McMaster system and resources. The program includes both senior- and peer-mentorship customized for a tenure-track or teaching-stream professor.
Email hcarr@mcmaster.ca (Heather Carr – Manager, Faculty and Staff Relations) for more information about this program.
McMaster Engineering’s Fireball Academy was established in 2014 to support the Faculty’s mission and to construct new and effective learning experiences for both its faculty and students. Learn more about the Faculty of Engineering Fireball Academy
Recognizing the importance of integrating new faculty members into the McMaster community, the Fireball Academy supports new faculty members by ensuring they are equipped with the necessary resources to successfully navigate their first few years. This approach allows new faculty to build a strong foundation for a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Access teaching resources covering topics such as graduate attributes, securing an NSERC Discovery Grants and other research funding opportunities, plus much more. There are also presentations, events, and tools to help faculty develop both personally and professionally.
Read about the Faculty of Engineering Five-Year Strategic Plan: Engineering a Brighter Future.
Offered by the Faculty of Science and developed and supported by the Office of the Provost and MacPherson Institute, this program for new teaching and tenure track faculty pairs new faculty with established faculty members and provides opportunities to participate in faculty development workshops and other events.
Email deansci@mcmaster.ca (Dr. Maureen MacDonald – Dean, Faculty of Science) for more information about this program.
The Health Leadership Academy offers leadership programs for health leaders that focus on learning, and unlearning, the necessary skills to navigate and adapt to our ever-changing health environment.
Offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Office, this program helps leaders who hold dual citizenship roles bridge their university world with the hospital/health system.
Open to leaders within and outside of Health Sciences.
Email askcpd@mcmaster.ca for more information about this program.
Offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Office, the Academic Leadership Program (ALP) is an eight-month interprofessional cohort program that helps promote faculty development with academic leadership skills in an immersive and interactive format.
Email askcpd@mcmaster.ca for more information about this program.
Offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Office, QUEST is an inquiry-based, digital platform that provides self-directed, customized learning opportunities to support faculty in their development journey.
Learn more by visiting CPD Online
Email Cara-Jane Dempsey if you have a question, or if you would like to have your workshop or event listed here.