About the Project
While students with disabilities are an important equity-deserving group in our community, we are failing to provide them with equitable access and opportunity within their learning environments. McMaster lacks a systemic approach to accessibility in teaching and learning, which results in instructors, staff, and students with disabilities spending a significant amount of time and resources to implement reactive accommodations.
Over 2023-2025, the Accessible Teaching and Learning Roadmap STEER/R project will develop a 5-year plan to better facilitate accessible learning experiences at McMaster through development of organizational systems, structures, and processes which mobilize and sustain an institutional commitment to accessibility through leadership, proper resourcing, and accountability. The Roadmap will be underpinned by the early adoption of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Postsecondary Education (AODA PSE) Standard final recommendations to best serve students with disabilities and foster an accessible teaching and learning experience.
This proactive approach to educational accessibility, led centrally in collaboration with McMaster Faculties and administrative units, aims to reduce time expenditure on individual adjustments to recover energy for universal design. Furthermore, it will aim to improve access to post-secondary education and academic outcomes for McMaster students with disabilities through a holistic, systemic approach.
Information Box Group

Call for Students/Alumni with Disabilities Learn More
The Accessibility Consultants Program is seeking interested individuals with lived experiences of disability to join a diverse cohort of students to exchange disability and learning experiences, building collective disability awareness as accessibility consultants.

Call for Accessible Education Fellows (2023-2024) Learn More
We are excited to invite you to join the newly launched Accessible Education Fellowship program for the academic year 2023-2024.
As part of the Accessible Teaching and Learning Roadmap STEER/R initiative, the Office of the Vice-Provost (Teaching & Learning) at McMaster University is seeking passionate individuals and teams to participate.

Questions? Reach out
Email a11yTL@mcmaster.ca to learn more.