Provost Tighe’s Presentation At McMaster’s 2023 Financial Forum

Many people across the university are aware of McMaster’s budget model and Strategic Alignment Funds, but they may not know how these are used to support the academic mission of the institution.
In a presentation at the annual Financial Forum, Susan Tighe, provost and vice-president (Academic), offered information and insights.
The event on Nov. 9, which featured movie-themed presentations by senior financial leaders from across McMaster, opened with a keynote address by Alex Usher, an expert on Canada’s post-secondary sector.
Usher suggested that Ontario universities are facing many financial pressures.
Tighe, who presented next, agreed that it won’t be smooth sailing for the sector, but expressed confidence in McMaster’s staff and faculty members.
“My office works together with finance, administration, the faculty deans and with the vice-president research,” Tighe says. “We play as a team at this institution.”
In her presentation, Tighe spoke of how McMaster takes a data-driven approach to budgeting.
“As an academic institution, we use data to decide how best to invest our financial resources in ways that support the academic mission,” she says. “We are in the business of students, of high-quality teaching and of research that not only impacts Canada, but the world.”
The Provost’s presentation covered five areas.
1. McMaster’s activity-based budget model
2. Financial pressures impacting the post-secondary sector
3. Coordinated decentralization
4. Budget Model Review
5. Strategic Alignment Funds
A recording of the provost’s presentation can be viewed below.
Moneyball: McMaster’s Budget Model Strategic Alignment Funds from McMaster University (OFFICIAL) on Vimeo.
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