Information Box Group
Turnitin's AI Detector
McMaster holds an institutional subscription to Turnitin. Turnitin created an AI Detector intended to identified suspected use of generative AI writing. At this time McMaster has not activated the Turnitin AI Detector. Ongoing work to assess privacy and security impacts of this tool, as well as exploring its reliability, are underway. McMaster may activate the AI Detector, which allows for retroactive submissions.
Question Guide for Suspected Academic Misconduct Review the Question Guide
As an educator, you may have reason to question whether a student submitted work in keeping with McMaster’s academic integrity policy. This question guide offers questions and a process for talking with students about their work and how they did it.
Citation Guide Read McMaster's Citation Guide
The McMaster Library created this citation guide to help educators and students understand when and how to cite generative AI in their written work.
European Network for Academic Integrity Read the ENAI recommendations
The ENAI offers recommendations for the ethical use of generative AI, with an emphasis on clear and transparent guidance on when and why generative AI can be used, as well as consistent acknowledgement of generative AI use.
Chronicle of Higher Education Webinar on Academic Integrity and Generative AI Watch the webinar
A panel discussion hosted by the Chronicle of Higher Education exploring academic integrity in the era of generative AI.
When in doubt: Ask Review the Academic Integrity Policy
As a student or researcher, if you are unsure about whether you are permitted to use generative artificial intelligence: ask. As the course instructor, your research supervisor or reach out to the Office of Academic Integrity. You can also review McMaster’s Academic Integrity Policy.