External review identifies potential for School of Graduate Studies to become a leader in graduate education
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) has the potential to position McMaster University as a leader in graduate and postdoctoral studies, according to an external review that resulted in 14 recommendations to strengthen support for graduate programs and students.
The reviewers found that while SGS currently functions as a service unit, it could be a stronger academic unit that works with the Faculties to set the strategic direction for graduate and postdoctoral education.
Achieving that potential will require a clear mission for the graduate school, which the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) External Review identifies as the top recommendation.
“I’m pleased with the thoroughness and breadth of the review, which will serve as a basis for McMaster to engage in a discussion on the mandate, function and structure of the School of Graduate Studies,” says Susan Tighe, provost and vice-president (Academic). “I want to express my gratitude to the reviewers and to everyone at McMaster who generously shared their institutional knowledge, experiences and insights.”
The four reviewers included the vice-dean and executive director of McMaster’s School of Rehabilitation Science and three external reviewers from Western University, the University of British Columbia and Queen’s University.
The formation of the Task Force on Graduate Funding was applauded by the reviewers, who made three recommendations on this topic.
The first is to reconsider the timeline to enable the completion of the Task Force’s final report as soon as possible. The second is to develop a data management system on individual graduate student financial support and finally, to ensure funding information and current cost of living estimates are clearly communicated to graduate students..
More information on the Task Force on Graduate Funding can be found on the Office of the Provost’s website.
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