Inclusive and Scholarly Teaching
Explore our four theme areas to foster inclusive and scholarly teaching
The holistic student experience depends on learning activities that are inclusive and foster a sense of belonging. To support this, we are committed to recognizing and promoting scholarly teaching excellence that integrates the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- Emphasize inclusive excellence in teaching.
McMaster is recognized as Canada’s most research-intensive university—but our instructors are also on the leading edge of pedagogical development and innovation. It is essential that we ensure teaching excellence is equally valued, recognized and supported at the university.
- Refine policies and processes to demonstrate that teaching is valued and recognized as a professional practice.
- Build a culture that values innovative, experimental and playful mindsets.
- Establish a knowledge translation and exchange process to support research-based teaching practice.
There are so many ways to assess learning, and we want to encourage instructors to push the boundaries of traditional assessment and evaluation methods. Innovative assessments can promote learning and creativity, provide opportunities to check in on student progress, and serve as catalysts for conversations around how students can keep growing.
- Develop meaningful, authentic assessments that promote learning and explore opportunities to reduce the use of high-stakes exams where appropriate.
- Enable learning environments that foster collaborative projects and evaluations.
Evaluation of teaching needs to be multi-faceted and include self-reflection, peer observations and student voices. We are committed to ensuring that quality, relevance and impact of teaching is valued.
- Review how teaching is evaluated and refine policies and processes to ensure a multi-faceted approach to evaluation is implemented.

McMaster Inclusive Teaching and Learning Guide Learn More
McMaster’s teaching and learning guide introduces five broad principles for inclusive teaching and provides concrete examples of how to put these principles into practice.
This resource page was developed in partnership with the MacPherson Institute, the Equity and Inclusion Office, in line with the McMaster Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy, the McMaster Accessibility Council and staff, students and faculty.

Teaching and Learning Resources Learn More
We welcome you to explore a MacPherson curated collection of resources that are aimed to assist, guide and inspire instructors of all levels. We’ve included resources that we’ve created either internally or in collaboration with campus partners, those from the broader teaching and learning community in Canada.

Equity and Inclusion Office Learn More
The Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO) is a central resource where expertise is proactively drawn upon by administrators, faculty, staff, and students: to advance unit-specific and institutional equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility goals; to enact inclusive excellence principles; and to establish respectful living, learning, and working environments that are free from harassment and discrimination, and sexual violence.