Progress review shows MacPherson Institute’s efforts having positive impacts on teaching and learning at McMaster
According to the recent Progress Review of the MacPherson Institute, “significant and impactful changes” have been made to respond to recommendations from the 2018 External Review of Teaching and Learning and feedback from the McMaster community.
A clear mission and mandate, streamlined program offerings, the shift to a Faculty Liaison model of service, and other adjustments have had a positive impact on how teaching and learning support is provided to instructors, students and staff at McMaster.
Following the review in 2018 that was conducted by representatives from the University of British Columbia, the University of Calgary and McMaster, the MacPherson Institute launched a three-year Strategic Plan that identified key initiatives to address recommendations from the reviewers and incorporate feedback from the teaching and learning community at McMaster. Since 2019, the MacPherson Institute has successfully completed 51 of the 59 strategic initiatives originally planned, with several more still in progress—an outcome the reviewers noted was “remarkable” given that much of the work took place during the pandemic.
“Change requires strong leadership and hard work. I’m thankful to everyone at the MacPherson Institute for their efforts in supporting excellence and driving innovation in teaching and learning,” said Susan Tighe, provost and vice-president (Academic). “We welcome the guidance from our peers from top universities in Canada as this is a particularly complex undertaking given the diverse disciplinary cultures across McMaster.”
This past fall, the reviewers returned to McMaster and met with a wide range of stakeholders including deans, instructors, staff, campus partners and students. They noted a “palpable shift” in the work environment and organizational structure at the MacPherson Institute and the “significant impact” these changes have had across the University community more broadly.
“As we prepare our students to make a positive impact on the world, we must adjust to ongoing changes to post-secondary education as well,” says Kim Dej, vice-provost, Teaching and Learning. “This review highlights the important role the MacPherson Institute will continue to play in shaping the supports we provide to our teaching and learning community at McMaster now and into the future.”
The progress review also made recommendations to further define and differentiate the role that the MacPherson Institute plays in connection with the newly established vice-provost Teaching and Learning role.
“Over the past three years, we have prioritized building relationships and working collaboratively with our Faculty and campus partners,” says Lori Goff, director of the MacPherson Institute. “This review helped validate that approach and further reiterates the importance of collaboration and partnership as the MacPherson Institute continues to help cultivate an environment where learning deeply matters and teaching is valued and recognized by the collective McMaster community.”
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